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Marketing Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of The New Rules of Marketing And PR and Hacking Growth

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. With the rapidly changing landscape, marketing professionals are in a constant pursuit of innovative strategies and techniques to effectively reach their target audience and drive growth. Two prominent voices in this field, David Meerman Scott and Sean Ellis, have offered their perspectives through their respective books, “The New Rules of Marketing And PR” and “Hacking Growth.”

The New Rules of Marketing And PR by David Meerman Scott was first published in 2007 and has since become a gold standard for marketers seeking to harness the power of the internet and social media. In his book, Scott challenges traditional marketing methods, advocating for a more customer-centric approach that focuses on creating valuable content and engaging directly with consumers. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity, real-time communication, and the ability to leverage new media platforms to build brand awareness and drive business growth.

On the other hand, “Hacking Growth” by Sean Ellis, published in 2017, takes a more data-driven approach to marketing. Ellis, known for coining the term “growth hacker,” delves into the strategies and tactics that high-growth companies employ to achieve rapid expansion. Drawing heavily from his experience as a growth hacker at companies like Dropbox and LogMeIn, Ellis explores actionable techniques such as A/B testing, viral loops, and customer acquisition funnels, providing a blueprint for sustained growth in a digital age.

While both books aim to guide marketers towards achieving growth and success in the digital realm, they take different paths to reach this common destination. Meerman Scott centers his approach on creating compelling content that resonates with consumers, while Ellis takes a more analytical approach, focusing on utilizing data-driven tactics to drive growth. It is within this context that we embark on a comparative study of these two influential works, seeking to understand their respective strengths, weaknesses, and unique contributions to the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

By exploring the diverse viewpoints presented in “The New Rules of Marketing And PR” and “Hacking Growth,” we aim to uncover the underlying principles and strategies that can help marketers navigate the challenges of today’s digital landscape. Ultimately, we seek to provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations, shedding light on the most effective approaches to marketing and growth in an interconnected and rapidly changing world.

Brief Summary of Two Books

The New Rules of Marketing And PR by David Meerman Scott

The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott is a book that explores how the internet and social media have revolutionized the field of marketing and public relations.

Scott argues that traditional marketing practices, such as the use of press releases and advertising, are no longer as effective in reaching and engaging with target audiences. Instead, he introduces a new set of rules that businesses and individuals can follow to leverage the power of digital platforms.

The book emphasizes the importance of creating valuable and relevant content to attract and engage customers. Scott introduces concepts like “Newsjacking,” which involves injecting your brand’s message or content into breaking news to gain exposure. He also discusses the significance of real-time marketing, where brands can respond to events and trends instantly to stay relevant and capture attention.

Scott includes numerous examples and case studies from various industries to highlight how different companies have successfully applied these new rules. He explains how to use blogs, social media platforms, podcasts, and viral videos to reach target audiences directly and build stronger relationships with customers.

Overall, “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” provides a comprehensive and practical guide to navigate the ever-changing landscape of marketing and public relations in the digital age, helping businesses and individuals maximize their online presence and leverage the power of social media to drive success.

Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis

“Hacking Growth” by Sean Ellis is a comprehensive guide that explores how businesses can ignite and sustain rapid growth. Ellis, who coined the term “growth hacker,” discusses various strategies and tactics used by successful companies to drive growth and achieve their goals.

The book emphasizes the importance of growth experimentation, where businesses continuously test and optimize different growth initiatives. Ellis highlights the “Growth Hacking Funnel,” a framework that helps businesses identify areas of improvement and implement effective strategies at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

Furthermore, “Hacking Growth” offers valuable insights on topics such as building and managing growth teams, unlocking the power of data and analytics, leveraging partnerships, and acquiring and retaining customers. Ellis draws on real-world examples from a range of successful companies, providing readers with practical advice on how to apply growth hacking principles to their own businesses.

Overall, “Hacking Growth” serves as a roadmap for both startups and established companies seeking to accelerate their growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Comparison between Two Books

Similarities in Marketing

The parallel between “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott and “Hacking Growth” by Sean Ellis lies in their focus on the evolving landscape of marketing. Both books aim to equip marketers with updated strategies and techniques to succeed in today’s digital world.

1. Embracing digital platforms: Both books emphasize the importance of leveraging digital channels to reach and engage with potential customers. They advocate for utilizing social media, websites, and other online platforms to create a strong online presence.

2. Importance of data and analytics: Both authors stress the significance of data-driven decision-making in marketing. They highlight the need to monitor and analyze key metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer behavior, to optimize marketing strategies and achieve growth.

3. Content marketing: Both books emphasize the value of creating relevant and valuable content to attract and retain customers. They advocate for sharing useful information, stories, and insights that resonate with target audiences as a way to build trust, credibility, and brand loyalty.

4. Customer-centric approach: Both authors emphasize the need for marketers to understand and engage with their target customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. They highlight the importance of personalization and tailoring marketing efforts to cater to specific customer segments.

5. Continuous experimentation and learning: Both books promote a culture of experimentation and continuous learning within marketing teams. They recommend adopting a growth mindset, whereby marketers are constantly testing and optimizing their strategies based on results and feedback.

Overall, the similarities between these books underscore the importance of adapting to the fast-paced digital marketing landscape, utilizing data-driven insights, creating valuable content, focusing on customer needs, and fostering a culture of experimentation and learning.

Divergences in Marketing

The New Rules of Marketing And PR by David Meerman Scott and Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis are both highly regarded books in the field of marketing. While they share a common focus on the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, there are significant divergences in their approach and perspectives.

1. Approaches to Marketing:

– The New Rules of Marketing And PR emphasizes the shift to inbound marketing and the power of content creation. It emphasizes the importance of creating valuable content that attracts and engages the target audience.

– On the other hand, Hacking Growth focuses on data-driven marketing and leveraging experimentation to achieve rapid business growth. It emphasizes the need for structured experimentation and utilizing data to identify scalable growth strategies.

2. Target Audience:

– The New Rules of Marketing And PR primarily targets small businesses, entrepreneurs, and marketers seeking guidance on leveraging digital channels effectively.

– Hacking Growth is geared towards growth hacking practitioners, startup founders, and marketing teams looking to drive rapid growth in a competitive market.

3. Frameworks and Methodologies:

– The New Rules of Marketing And PR provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and implementing inbound marketing techniques using social media, content marketing, and online PR.

– In contrast, Hacking Growth introduces the “Growth Hacking Funnel” framework, which outlines a systematic process of ideating, prioritizing, and testing growth strategies to achieve accelerated growth.

4. Marketing Channels:

– The New Rules of Marketing And PR takes a holistic approach, covering various marketing channels, including social media, blogs, influencer marketing, and viral videos.

– Hacking Growth primarily focuses on digital marketing channels and emphasizes the use of data analytics, optimization techniques, and A/B testing to drive growth in areas like customer acquisition, activation, and retention.

5. Organizational Context:

– The New Rules of Marketing And PR is relevant for both small and large organizations, providing valuable insights into leveraging digital marketing in different industries.

– Hacking Growth is particularly useful for startups and companies looking for innovative growth strategies to disrupt their markets or gain a competitive edge.

In conclusion, while both The New Rules of Marketing And PR and Hacking Growth address the dynamic nature of marketing, they differ in their specific approaches, target audience, frameworks, marketing channels, and organizational contexts. These divergences provide readers with a broader perspective on marketing strategies and offer unique insights into different marketing philosophies.


Both “The New Rules of Marketing And PR” by David Meerman Scott and “Hacking Growth” by Sean Ellis are highly regarded books in the field of marketing and business growth. They offer different perspectives and insights, so choosing one depends on your specific interests and goals. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which book to read:

1. Focus: “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” provides a comprehensive overview of modern marketing strategies, with a focus on leveraging digital channels and content creation. It covers topics such as social media, influencer marketing, and online PR. On the other hand, “Hacking Growth” primarily focuses on building and scaling businesses through growth hacking techniques, experimentation, and data-driven decision-making.

2. Context: Consider the specific context of your business or industry. If you are primarily interested in understanding and implementing effective marketing strategies, “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” may be more suitable. If you are looking for actionable techniques and methodologies to drive rapid business growth, “Hacking Growth” might be a better choice.

3. Personal preferences: The writing style and presentation of ideas can also impact your choice. You might prefer a more narrative and storytelling approach like Meerman Scott’s in “The New Rules of Marketing and PR,” or you might lean towards a more practical, step-by-step guide like Ellis’ in “Hacking Growth.”

Ultimately, both books are highly regarded and have influenced many marketers and business professionals. Assess your specific needs and preferences to decide which book aligns better with your goals. Additionally, you might find value in reading both books to gain a more comprehensive understanding of marketing and growth strategies.

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