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Mastering Time: Strategies for Organizational Bliss in Get Your Sht Together and A Perfect Mess

Get Your Sht Together by Sarah Knight

In a world that seems to favor perfection and order, there is an undeniable allure to the idea of “getting our sh*t together” and achieving a state of pristine organization. Many self-help books and productivity frameworks promise to guide us towards this desirable destination, presenting a seemingly foolproof method to streamline our lives and eliminate chaos. Two such books, Sarah Knight’s “Get Your Sh*t Together” and Eric Abrahamson’s “A Perfect Mess,” offer divergent perspectives on the pursuit of orderliness and its impact on our daily lives.

Sarah Knight’s “Get Your Sh*t Together” bursts onto the scene with an energetic and no-nonsense approach to conquering our chaotic lives. It presents a step-by-step guide that aims to help us identify our priorities, set achievable goals, and declutter every aspect of our existence. Filled with practical tips, empowering strategies, and a fair share of humor, Knight’s book advocates for embracing structure, discipline, and intentional living as the keys to success. As she dives headfirst into topics such as time management, finance, and personal relationships, Knight challenges us to face our fears and make firm decisions to transform our lives for the better.

On the other end of the spectrum lies Eric Abrahamson’s “A Perfect Mess.” This unconventional book takes a refreshingly contrary viewpoint, arguing that chaos and clutter can actually fuel creativity and productivity. Abrahamson challenges the conventional wisdom that order and tidiness are prerequisites for success, and instead presents a compelling argument for embracing disarray. By highlighting examples from various industries, from architecture to computer science, he explores how randomness and messiness can lead to unexpectedly positive outcomes. Instead of striving for ultimate order and efficiency, Abrahamson encourages us to embrace a measured dose of disorder and spontaneity as catalysts for innovation and growth.

While Knight’s emphasis on structure and organization may resonate with those craving immediate results and tangible outcomes, Abrahamson’s counterintuitive proposition invites readers to question established norms and explore the benefits of a more relaxed, organic approach to life. Through these opposing perspectives, both authors tap into our universal desire for control and improvement, albeit by offering vastly different paths towards achieving it.

Throughout this comparative study, we will delve into the strategies proposed by Knight and Abrahamson, analyzing how each author’s ideas translate into real-life situations. By examining the theories, evidence, and anecdotes presented in “Get Your Sh*t Together” and “A Perfect Mess,” we aim to shed light on the underlying assumptions, implications, and effectiveness of these divergent approaches to personal and professional development. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of these two ideologies and gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between order, chaos, and our pursuit of a fulfilling life.

Brief Summary of Two Books

Get Your Sht Together by Sarah Knight

“Get Your Sh*t Together: How to Stop Worrying About What You Should Do So You Can Finish What You Need to Do and Start Doing What You Want to Do” by Sarah Knight is a self-help book designed to provide readers with a comprehensive plan to organize their lives, eliminate unnecessary stress, and find happiness.

The book focuses on the concept of mental clutter, which refers to any thoughts, tasks, or obligations that prevent individuals from accomplishing their goals or enjoying their lives. Knight encourages readers to stop worrying about societal expectations and start prioritizing their own needs. She believes that by adopting a more organized approach to life, individuals can increase productivity and decrease stress.

Knight outlines her practical and step-by-step approach to getting organized, including key strategies such as setting achievable goals, managing time effectively, avoiding procrastination, and creating a powerful to-do list. She emphasizes the importance of breaking down both personal and professional goals into manageable tasks, providing practical tips for overcoming obstacles along the way.

The author also addresses mental and emotional aspects that can hinder progress, such as fear, self-doubt, and negative thinking. Knight provides exercises and suggests techniques to overcome these barriers while fostering a more positive mindset.

Throughout the book, Knight combines humor, personal anecdotes, and straightforward language to engage readers and keep them motivated. She encourages self-reflection and provides real-life examples to illustrate her points effectively.

In essence, “Get Your Sh*t Together” offers a practical guide to organizing one’s life, reducing stress, and reclaiming control. By implementing Knight’s strategies, individuals can eliminate distractions, focus on what truly matters, and ultimately achieve more balance and happiness in their lives.

A Perfect Mess by Eric Abrahamson

“A Perfect Mess” by Eric Abrahamson explores the idea that disorder and messiness can sometimes be beneficial and productive. Contrary to the popular belief that organization and cleanliness lead to efficiency and success, Abrahamson argues that an obsession with order can stifle creativity and hinder progress. The book discusses various examples and studies that challenge the notion of strict organization, including messy desks that are often more efficient, how clutter can spark new ideas, and how excessively neat processes can lead to wasted time and effort. Abrahamson emphasizes that a balance between order and chaos is essential for innovation and growth in both personal and professional aspects of life.

Comparison between Two Books

Get Your Sht Together by Sarah Knight

Similarities in Time Management

Both “Get Your Sh*t Together” by Sarah Knight and “A Perfect Mess” by Eric Abrahamson discuss the topic of time management and offer insights on how to improve this aspect of one’s life.

1. Importance of prioritization: Both books emphasize the significance of prioritizing tasks and responsibilities. They highlight the need to identify what truly matters and focus on those activities first. Knight suggests creating a “Life Map” to establish priorities, while Abrahamson promotes the idea of embracing “messiness” to better allocate time to important tasks amidst chaos.

2. Eliminating distractions: Both authors stress the need to minimize distractions in order to optimize time management. Knight suggests implementing techniques like time blocking and eliminating unnecessary commitments, while Abrahamson argues that excessive organization and tidiness can lead to excessive time spent on futile organizing tasks. Both books agree that removing distractions plays a crucial role in effective time management.

3. Setting boundaries: Both books emphasize the importance of setting boundaries to manage time effectively. Knight suggests saying “no” to tasks or responsibilities that do not align with one’s priorities, while Abrahamson encourages readers to create limits with their time commitments. Both authors believe that setting boundaries helps prevent overcommitment and allows individuals to allocate time more efficiently.

4. Utilizing technology and tools: Both authors discuss the use of technology and tools to enhance time management. Knight suggests using apps and digital tools to organize tasks and schedules, while Abrahamson highlights the benefits of using physical reminders and visual cues to manage time effectively. Both books acknowledge the role that technology and tools can play in optimizing time management.

5. Embracing flexibility: While approaching time management from different perspectives, both books endorse the idea of flexibility. Knight encourages readers to adapt their time management strategies based on their individual needs and preferences, while Abrahamson argues that a rigid, overly organized approach to time management may not necessarily be effective. Both books suggest finding a balance between structure and flexibility for better time management.

In summary, both “Get Your Sh*t Together” and “A Perfect Mess” emphasize the importance of prioritization, eliminating distractions, setting boundaries, utilizing technology and tools, and embracing flexibility in time management. While their approaches differ, these books share common ideas and strategies for improving this aspect of one’s life.

Divergences in Time Management

“Get Your Sh*t Together” by Sarah Knight and “A Perfect Mess” by Eric Abrahamson are both self-help books that offer different approaches to tackling personal disorganization and achieving a sense of control in life. While they do share the goal of helping readers lead better-organized lives, their perspectives on time management differ significantly.

In “Get Your Sh*t Together,” Sarah Knight emphasizes the importance of effective time management as a fundamental component of getting one’s life in order. She argues that by establishing clear goals and prioritizing tasks, individuals can optimize their time and accomplish more. Knight provides practical advice, such as creating to-do lists, minimizing distractions, and setting boundaries, all aimed at helping readers structure their time effectively. Her approach revolves around empowering readers to take control of their schedules and make conscious choices about how they allocate their time.

On the other hand, “A Perfect Mess” by Eric Abrahamson takes a different stance on time management. Abrahamson challenges the conventional wisdom that strict time management and meticulous organization are necessary for success. He argues that excessive focus on time management can stifle creativity, restrict flexibility, and limit productivity. Abrahamson suggests that embracing a bit of chaos and allowing for unstructured time can lead to better outcomes, as it allows for serendipitous discoveries and free-thinking. He argues that following rigid schedules can be counterproductive and hinder problem-solving abilities.

In summary, the divergence in time management between “Get Your Sh*t Together” and “A Perfect Mess” is primarily rooted in their contrasting perspectives on order and chaos. While Sarah Knight advocates for structured time management as a means to achieve personal organization, Eric Abrahamson argues that some degree of disorder and unstructured time can be beneficial. Depending on their individual preferences and working styles, readers can choose the approach that resonates with them and aligns with their goals for personal organization.

Get Your Sht Together by Sarah Knight


It ultimately depends on what you are looking for in a book. “Get Your Sh*t Together” by Sarah Knight is a self-help book that offers practical advice on how to organize and improve different aspects of your life. It focuses on providing strategies and tools to help you achieve your goals and have a more fulfilling life.

On the other hand, “A Perfect Mess” by Eric Abrahamson offers a different perspective. It challenges the idea that everything needs to be perfectly organized and orderly in order to be successful. The book argues that an organized mess can sometimes be more efficient and productive than a perfectly neat and tidy environment. It presents various case studies and examples to support this idea.

If you are looking for actionable advice and strategies to improve your life and organization, then “Get Your Sh*t Together” may be more worthy of reading. However, if you are interested in exploring a different perspective on organization and learning about the benefits of embracing imperfection, then “A Perfect Mess” could be a more intriguing choice.

Ultimately, the choice between the two books comes down to your personal preferences and what you hope to gain from reading them.

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