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The Art of Effective Time Management: Unveiling the Practicing Mind and Sink Reflections

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M Sterner

In a fast-paced, modern world where multitasking has become the norm and our attention spans constantly divided, finding peace and purpose can seem like an unattainable dream. Yet, buried within the sea of self-help literature, two remarkable books emerge as beacons of hope, offering profound insights and practical guidance on how to navigate the tumultuous waters of our daily lives. “The Practicing Mind” by Thomas M. Sterner and “Sink Reflections” by Marla Cilley present unique approaches to achieving mastery and organization, respectively, inviting readers on transformative journeys toward self-improvement and a more fulfilling existence. Despite addressing different realms of personal development, it is fascinating to explore the striking similarities and distinct differences in their perspectives, techniques, and ultimate goals. By embarking on a comparative study of these two influential works, we are presented with an opportunity to reconsider our approach to life, challenge deeply ingrained habits, and discover new pathways to personal growth.

Brief Summary of Two Books

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M Sterner

“The Practicing Mind” by Thomas M. Sterner is a self-help book that encourages readers to cultivate a mindset focused on patience, discipline, and concentration. Sterner draws from his extensive experience as a musician, piano technician, and athletic coach to provide practical insights and techniques for mastering any skill or task.

The book emphasizes the importance of embracing the journey rather than fixating on the end result. Sterner argues that many people become stressed and frustrated because they are constantly focused on achieving their goals, rather than enjoying the process of getting there. He encourages readers to adopt what he calls “the practicing mind,” which involves being fully present and engaged in the present moment, regardless of the outcome.

Throughout the book, Sterner offers various strategies for developing the practicing mind. He discusses the significance of setting realistic expectations and breaking big tasks into smaller, manageable steps. He also emphasizes the role of patience, emphasizing that improvement comes through consistent practice over time.

Sterner also explores the concept of focus and attention, stressing the need to eliminate distractions and train the mind to remain fully present in the task at hand. He provides exercises and techniques for strengthening one’s ability to concentrate and maintain attention for extended periods.

Ultimately, “The Practicing Mind” offers a roadmap for readers to develop a more mindful and disciplined approach to learning and living. By embracing the process and cultivating patience and concentration, individuals can achieve greater personal growth, happiness, and success in all areas of life.

Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley

“Sink Reflections” by Marla Cilley, also known as The FlyLady, is a self-help book that offers practical strategies for decluttering and organizing one’s home and life. The author draws from her own experiences as a recovering clutterer to provide step-by-step guidance on tackling household chores, establishing routines, and creating a calm and tidy living space.

The book begins by introducing the reader to Cilley’s personal journey of overcoming clutter and chaos. She shares her own struggles and insights, discussing how she developed her successful FlyLady system, which stands for “Finally Loving Yourself.” Cilley emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-acceptance throughout the book to guide readers towards positive change in their lives.

Cilley outlines her approach to decluttering, encouraging readers to start small and focus on one area or “hot spot” at a time. She introduces the concept of “27 Fling Boogie,” a quick decluttering technique where individuals identify and throw out 27 unnecessary items from a particular space. She also emphasizes the significance of implementing daily routines, including a morning and evening routine, to maintain a clean and organized home.

The book covers various other topics related to home organization such as cleaning schedules, establishing zones in the house for specific purposes, and dealing with sentimental clutter. Cilley also delves into the psychology and emotions behind clutter and provides strategies for overcoming procrastination and perfectionism.

Throughout “Sink Reflections,” Cilley incorporates personal anecdotes, success stories from members of her online community, and helpful tips and tricks to motivate readers and keep them engaged. She aims to inspire individuals to take control of their homes and lives, emphasizing that decluttering and organizing not only create a pleasant living environment but also contribute to overall well-being and mental clarity.

In summary, “Sink Reflections” by Marla Cilley is a practical and motivational guidebook that offers step-by-step instructions for decluttering, organizing, and maintaining a clean and peaceful home. Through personal experiences and a supportive approach, Cilley empowers readers to embrace change and establish habits that lead to a more organized and balanced life.

Comparison between Two Books

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M Sterner

Similarities in Time Management

In both “The Practicing Mind” by Thomas M Sterner and “Sink Reflections” by Marla Cilley, time management is a significant theme that is explored. Although the books offer different approaches, they share several similarities in their perspectives on time management.

1. Presence and Focus: Both books emphasize the importance of being present and fully engaged in the task at hand. Sterner argues that by focusing on the process rather than the end result, one can avoid distractions and be more effective in managing time. Cilley similarly encourages readers to approach their daily tasks with mindfulness and concentrate on completing them one at a time, instead of worrying about what comes next. This emphasis on being present helps individuals make the most of their time by eliminating mental clutter.

2. Small Steps and Consistency: Sterner and Cilley both advocate for breaking tasks down into small, manageable steps. Sterner suggests that progress is made by focusing on the immediate step, while Cilley’s “flight plan” method involves dividing tasks into 15-minute intervals. Both authors stress the importance of consistently engaging in these small actions over time, as it leads to the successful management of time.

3. Establishing Routines: Both books highlight the significance of creating and following routines as a means of managing time effectively. Sterner emphasizes the power of habit, suggesting that by establishing a routine and sticking to it, individuals can develop their skills and accomplish tasks efficiently. Cilley’s “sidetracked home executives” system focuses on establishing daily and weekly routines to maintain a clean and organized home. Both approaches emphasize the importance of consistency and structure in managing time.

4. Mindset and Attitude: Sterner and Cilley stress the role of mindset and attitude in time management. Sterner suggests that by adopting a positive and patient mindset, individuals can better handle time-related stress and distractions. Cilley encourages readers to develop a positive attitude towards household chores and obligations, reframing them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Both authors believe that a positive mindset is vital for effective time management.

While “The Practicing Mind” and “Sink Reflections” offer different techniques for managing time, they share these common themes. Both books emphasize the need for presence, focus, consistency, routines, and a positive mindset in order to effectively manage and utilize time.

Divergences in Time Management

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner and Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley are both popular self-help books that provide guidance on personal development and productivity. While they share a strong focus on self-improvement, there are notable differences in their approach to time management.

The Practicing Mind primarily emphasizes the concept of mindfulness and its application to various aspects of life, including time management. Sterner suggests that by being fully present in each moment, one can develop a focused and disciplined mindset that optimizes time. The book encourages readers to enjoy the process and practice patience, accepting that progress takes time. Sterner advocates for breaking tasks into small, manageable steps and urges readers to concentrate on one task at a time, eliminating distractions. In this sense, The Practicing Mind promotes a deliberate and mindful approach to time management.

In contrast, Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley takes a more practical approach to time management, particularly within the context of household and home organization. Cilley introduces her “FlyLady” system, which stands for “Finally Loving Yourself.” This system focuses on establishing routines and habits to maintain an orderly and clean home, ultimately reducing stress and saving time. While Cilley recognizes the importance of being present in the moment and enjoying the process, her emphasis lies in creating effective systems and strategies to manage time efficiently. She promotes the use of timers, checklists, and breaking tasks down into manageable increments to maintain productivity.

The divergences in time management between the two books can be summarized as follows:

1. Mindfulness vs. Practical Systems: The Practicing Mind encourages readers to adopt a mindful mentality in managing time, focusing on being present and finding joy in the process. Sink Reflections, on the other hand, emphasizes the implementation of practical systems and routines to streamline time management for specific tasks, such as household chores.

2. Task Focus vs. Routine Focus: The Practicing Mind emphasizes concentration on individual tasks, avoiding multitasking and distractions. In contrast, Sink Reflections places importance on establishing routines and creating structures that help to organize and manage time.

3. General Application vs. Home Organization: While The Practicing Mind offers broad guidance on time management in various aspects of life, Sink Reflections specifically focuses on time management within the context of home organization and reducing household-related stress.

Ultimately, while both books offer valuable insights on personal development and productivity, The Practicing Mind centers on cultivating mindfulness and patience, while Sink Reflections provides a practical approach to time management through the implementation of routines and systems.

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M Sterner


“The Practicing Mind” focuses on developing a disciplined and focused mindset, which can be applicable to various areas of life, including work, sports, and personal relationships. It emphasizes the power of practicing with intention and being fully present in the moment.

On the other hand, “Sink Reflections” by Marla Cilley is a self-help book that provides practical tips and strategies for organizing and maintaining a clean home. It introduces the concept of “FlyLady,” a system created by the author to help individuals establish cleaning routines and eliminate clutter from their lives.

Consider what you are most interested in or what aspect of your life you would like to improve before deciding which book is more worthwhile for you.

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