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Cultivating a Positive Mindset: A Comparative Analysis of Rolf Dobelli’s and Ichiro Kishimi’s Works

In the ever-evolving landscape of self-help literature, two profound works have gained significant recognition and amassed devoted readership: “The Art of the Good Life” by Rolf Dobelli and “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi. These books, though distinct in their style and approach, share a common goal of empowering individuals to navigate the intricacies of life and seek personal fulfillment. Delving into the realms of philosophy, psychology, and practical wisdom, both authors offer unique perspectives on the art of living contentedly in a complex world. By juxtaposing the insights of Dobelli and Kishimi, this comparative study seeks to uncover the distinctive philosophies they advocate, the challenges they address, and the valuable lessons they impart. As we embark upon this exploration, we shall explore how these authors discuss topics such as personal responsibility, social relationships, and the pursuit of happiness, ultimately illuminating pathways to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Brief Summary of Two Books

The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli

The Art of the Good Life” by Rolf Dobelli is a self-help book that offers practical advice and insights on living a fulfilling and contented life. Dobelli, a renowned writer and thinker, explores various aspects of happiness, success, and decision-making, drawing upon neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and his own experiences.

The book is divided into fifty-two chapters, each focusing on a specific topic or idea. Dobelli challenges conventional wisdom and encourages readers to question societal norms and common beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of clarity of thought, critical thinking, and the ability to filter out irrelevant information in order to make better decisions. He provides strategies to overcome cognitive biases and pitfalls that hinder rational thinking.

Dobelli also addresses the pursuit of happiness, arguing that it cannot be achieved by relentless striving or endless accumulation of wealth and possessions. Instead, he suggests focusing on cultivating a sense of gratitude, finding meaning and purpose in life, and fostering strong relationships. He advocates for the practice of mindfulness, simplicity, and self-reflection as key elements in achieving personal growth and well-being.

Through engaging storytelling and practical examples, Dobelli tackles various topics like money, work-life balance, relationships, habits, and personal development. He offers insights on finding inspiration, coping with failure, and maintaining resilience in the face of challenges. He emphasizes the power of small, incremental changes and continuous learning to lead a more meaningful and enriching life.

Overall, “The Art of the Good Life” presents a comprehensive guide to living a happier and more fulfilled life, offering a unique perspective and practical tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world and make better choices for personal well-being.

The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi

“The Courage to be Disliked” is a self-help book written by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, where they explore the concepts of Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology and provide insights on finding happiness and fulfillment in life. The book takes the form of a dialogue between a philosopher and a young man seeking guidance.

The philosopher challenges the young man’s beliefs and teaches him about how the past does not determine our present actions. They discuss the idea that every individual has the capacity to change and take control of their own life, rather than being shaped by external factors such as past traumas or societal expectations.

The book presents the idea that many people’s unhappiness arises from a desire for recognition and validation from others, which restricts their freedom and self-worth. It emphasizes the importance of accepting oneself and living according to one’s own values, rather than seeking approval from others.

Kishimi and Koga encourage readers to shift their perspective from being victims of circumstances to taking responsibility for their own choices and actions. They provide examples and practical steps to cultivate courage and resilience, enabling readers to overcome fear and live a more fulfilling life.

The Courage to be Disliked” promotes the belief that individuals have the power to choose their narrative and create a positive change within themselves. It challenges the reader to break free from societal constraints, pursue their own happiness, and embrace the freedom that comes with being true to oneself, even if it means being disliked by others.

Comparison between Two Books

Similarities in positive thinking

Both “The Art of the Good Life” by Rolf Dobelli and “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi discuss the concept of positive thinking and provide insights on how it can enhance one’s life. Here are the similarities regarding positive thinking found in these books:

1. Rejection of Victim Mentality: Both books emphasize the importance of not adopting a victim mentality and taking responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. They argue that a positive mindset begins with acknowledging the power of personal choice and the ability to shape one’s own life.

2. Shifting Perspectives: Both books suggest that positive thinking involves shifting perspectives and reevaluating negative experiences. They advocate for reframing setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth and learning instead of dwelling on the negative aspects.

3. Focus on the Present: Dobelli and Kishimi highlight the significance of living in the present moment. They argue that positive thinking requires focusing on the present and finding joy and contentment in daily experiences.

4. Gratitude and Appreciation: Both authors stress the importance of cultivating gratitude and appreciation for the things and people in our lives. They explain that positive thinking can be nurtured by focusing on what we have rather than on what is lacking.

5. Taking Ownership of Emotions: Dobelli and Kishimi emphasize that positive thinking involves taking ownership of one’s emotions and reactions. By questioning and challenging negative thoughts, individuals can actively choose positive responses, ultimately shaping their mental states and overall well-being.

6. Practicing Self-Reflection: Both books encourage self-reflection and introspection as ways to foster positive thinking. They suggest that by examining our thoughts and beliefs, we can identify negative patterns and replace them with more positive and constructive ones.

7. Cultivating Optimism: Dobelli and Kishimi promote optimism as a foundational element of positive thinking. They explain that cultivating an optimistic mindset involves focusing on what can be gained or improved, rather than dwelling on pessimistic thoughts or outcomes.

These similarities demonstrate how both books align in their depiction of positive thinking as a transformative approach to life that can lead to enhanced well-being and happiness.

Divergences in positive thinking

The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli and The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi are both self-help books that aim to guide readers towards a fulfilling and meaningful life. While there are some similarities in the ideas presented, these books diverge when it comes to the concept of positive thinking.

In The Art of the Good Life, Rolf Dobelli emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and rational decision-making over positive thinking. He argues that positive thinking can often lead to superficiality, delusion, and a failure to confront reality. Dobelli believes that it is essential to objectively evaluate situations and make informed decisions based on evidence and reason, rather than relying on unfounded optimism.

On the other hand, The Courage to Be Disliked takes a different approach to positive thinking. Ichiro Kishimi, influenced by the teachings of Alfred Adler, promotes the idea of “separating tasks” to achieve happiness and success. According to Kishimi, positive thinking plays a crucial role in accepting and tackling the difficulties and challenges that life presents. Rather than negating negative emotions or experiences, he suggests that individuals should embrace them and use positive thinking as a tool to change their perspectives and reactions towards such situations.

While Dobelli focuses on the potential drawbacks of positive thinking, Kishimi believes in its power to transform a person’s attitude towards life. He argues that through positive thinking, individuals can develop resilience, appreciate the present moment, and cultivate a sense of gratitude. Kishimi’s approach encourages readers to find joy and purpose by altering their mindset and harnessing the power of positive thinking.

In summary, The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli and The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi differ in their viewpoints on positive thinking. Dobelli critiques positive thinking as potentially detrimental, advocating for critical thinking instead. In contrast, Kishimi sees positive thinking as a catalyst for personal growth and a means to handle life’s challenges effectively. These differing perspectives offer readers a choice in approaches when it comes to finding happiness and fulfillment.


Both books, “The Art of the Good Life” by Rolf Dobelli and “The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi, offer valuable insights and can provide different perspectives on living a fulfilling life. However, the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences and what you are seeking from a book.

“The Art of the Good Life” explores various strategies for enhancing one’s quality of life. It discusses topics such as decision-making, self-discipline, and the pursuit of happiness. This book is rooted in practical advice and offers actionable steps to improve one’s day-to-day life.

On the other hand, “The Courage to be Disliked” takes a more philosophical approach to happiness and fulfillment. It delves into the principles of Adlerian psychology, focusing on the relationship between individuals and society, as well as the importance of accepting oneself and finding purpose in life. This book challenges conventional thinking and encourages readers to explore alternative perspectives.

If you prefer a more straightforward and practical approach to self-improvement, “The Art of the Good Life” may be a better fit for you. However, if you are interested in exploring deeper philosophical concepts and are open to questioning societal norms, “The Courage to be Disliked” could be a more rewarding read.

Ultimately, it is recommended to read reviews, summaries, or excerpts from both books to get a sense of their content and writing style before making a decision. Consider your personal interests, goals, and what you hope to gain from the reading experience, and choose the book that aligns best with those factors.

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