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Manifesting Money: A Comparative Analysis of Write It Down Make It Happen and Simple Abundance

Write It Down Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser

In a world full of distractions and daily demands, finding inner peace and achieving personal fulfillment can often seem like an elusive quest. Countless self-help books claim to hold the key to a balanced and fulfilling life, promising transformation and empowerment. Among them, two perennial favorites stand out: “Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser and “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Henriette Anne Klauser embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth in “Write It Down Make It Happen,” where she explores the power of setting intentions and manifesting one’s desires through the simple act of writing. Drawing upon case studies, scientific findings, and personal anecdotes, Klauser encourages readers to tap into their innate creativity and harness the power of words to shape their reality.

On the other hand, Sarah Ban Breathnach takes a more nuanced approach in “Simple Abundance,” as she guides readers through a year-long exploration of everyday joys and gratitude. With a focus on simplicity, gratitude, and mindfulness, Breathnach invites us to pause and appreciate life’s small pleasures, encouraging a shift in perspective towards a more fulfilling and abundant existence.

While both books strive to guide readers towards a life of abundance and self-realization, they do so from different angles. Klauser offers a practical and action-based approach, emphasizing the importance of clarity and specificity when writing down one’s goals. In contrast, Breathnach asks readers to slow down, embrace gratitude, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the present moment.

As we delve into the pages of these two remarkable books, we will examine and compare their underlying philosophies, methodologies, and lessons on the path to personal growth. Through a comparative exploration, we aim to unravel the unique strengths and insights each author brings to the search for self-fulfillment, ultimately discovering how their approaches complement or diverge from one another.

With “Write It Down Make It Happen” and “Simple Abundance” as our guiding compasses, we embark on a comparative study to uncover the pearls of wisdom that lie within, empowering us to embark on our own personal journeys towards self-actualization and a more meaningful existence.

Brief Summary of Two Books

Write It Down Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser

“Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser is a self-help book that explores the power of writing down one’s goals and desires and the impact it can have in manifesting them into reality. Drawing from numerous success stories and personal experiences, Klauser presents a practical approach to harnessing the magic of writing and turning dreams into achievable goals.

The book begins by emphasizing the importance of specificity when writing down goals. Klauser emphasizes that vague intentions are less likely to materialize, whereas clear and precise statements give our minds a focus and direction. She highlights the power of words and encourages readers to write their desires in the present tense, as if they have already been accomplished. This technique helps to reprogram the subconscious mind and build confidence.

Furthermore, Klauser delves into the concept of visualization and explains how the act of writing propels the brain to create mental images that align with our goals. By regularly revisiting these written dreams, individuals can solidify their commitment and maintain focused energy towards their aspirations.

Throughout the book, Klauser provides a variety of success stories, showcasing real-life examples of how individuals have used the power of writing to manifest their dreams such as career achievements, financial gains, and improved relationships. Additionally, she offers practical tips and techniques to help readers overcome obstacles and stay motivated along their journey.

In summary, “Write It Down Make It Happen” is a guidebook that advocates for the transformational power of writing down goals. By presenting concrete strategies and inspiring stories, Klauser encourages readers to actively engage with their desires, harness the subconscious mind, and take steps towards making their dreams a reality.

Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach

Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach is a guidebook that encourages readers to find joy, satisfaction, and abundance in their daily lives. The book is divided into 366 essays, one for each day of the year, focusing on different aspects of life, including gratitude, spirituality, relationships, and self-care.

Breathnach emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and gratitude, suggesting that by appreciating the small things in life, we can find contentment and fulfillment. She encourages readers to create rituals and routines that bring them joy and help them reconnect with themselves and their passions. Through personal anecdotes and insightful reflections, she provides practical advice on how to simplify and organize one’s home, letting go of clutter and distractions that hinder true happiness.

The author encourages self-reflection and self-care, urging readers to prioritize their own well-being and happiness. She emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, saying no to things that do not align with one’s values and finding time for solitude and self-reflection. Breathnach also explores the significance of creating a nurturing and loving environment in one’s home, as well as fostering genuine connections with loved ones.

Overall, Simple Abundance is a book that encourages readers to slow down, appreciate life’s simple pleasures, and find abundance and fulfillment in everyday moments. It serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care, gratitude, and mindfulness, ultimately leading to a more joyful and meaningful life.

Comparison between Two Books

Write It Down Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser

Similarities in Money

“Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser and “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach are two influential self-help books that offer guidance and techniques for achieving personal and professional goals. While both books cover a broad range of topics relating to personal growth and success, they also address the importance of money and its role in creating the life you desire. Here are some similarities in their approaches and perspectives on money:

1. Money as a tool for manifestation: Both authors emphasize the idea that money is not inherently good or bad but can be a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams and goals. They encourage readers to embrace a positive relationship with money and use it wisely to create the life they envision.

2. Gratitude for money: Klauser and Breathnach both highlight the importance of expressing gratitude for the money you have, regardless of the amount. By acknowledging and appreciating what you already possess, you set the stage for attracting more abundance into your life.

3. Law of attraction and abundance mentality: Both authors integrate the principles of the law of attraction, believing that what you focus on expands. They encourage readers to cultivate an abundance mentality rather than dwelling on scarcity or lack. By shifting your mindset to one of abundance, you can attract more money and financial opportunities into your life.

4. Aligning money with values: Klauser and Breathnach emphasize the importance of aligning your financial decisions with your core values. They encourage readers to clarify their priorities and make conscious choices about how they want to spend, save, and invest their money to align with their life goals and values.

5. Visualization and affirmation: Both books highlight the power of visualization and positive affirmations in attracting money. Klauser and Breathnach provide techniques and exercises to help readers visualize and affirm their financial desires, reinforcing the belief that they can achieve financial abundance.

6. Taking inspired action: While mindset and visualization are key components, Klauser and Breathnach stress the importance of taking inspired action towards your financial goals. They emphasize that simply wishing for money or visualizing it is not enough; you must also take concrete steps, such as seeking new opportunities, investing wisely, or creating a financial plan, to support your intentions.

Overall, these books share a common perspective on money, highlighting its potential as a tool for manifestation and emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset, gratitude, alignment with values, visualization, affirmation, and inspired action in creating financial abundance.

Divergences in Money

“Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser and “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach are both self-help books that aim to guide readers in manifesting their desires and living a fulfilling life. While these books share similarities in their themes of self-discovery and personal growth, they also diverge in their approaches to the concept of money. This article will compare and contrast the differing perspectives each author presents regarding financial aspects.

1. Money as a Manifestation Tool:

In “Write It Down Make It Happen,” Klauser emphasizes the importance of actively envisioning one’s desired financial situation and materializing it through writing. She encourages readers to set specific financial goals and use the act of writing them down as a manifestation tool. According to Klauser, by channeling your intentions and continuously working towards your financial objectives, you can attract abundance and witness the transformation of your financial reality.

On the other hand, “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach takes a slightly different perspective. While not dismissing the power of manifestation, Breathnach focuses more on finding contentment and gratitude within the context of one’s current financial circumstances. Her book encourages readers to shift their mindset and embrace an attitude of abundance rather than constant longing for more. Breathnach’s philosophy suggests that by cultivating appreciation for what one already possesses, individuals can experience a sense of wealth and happiness, regardless of their financial status.

2. Budget and Financial Planning:

Klauser’s approach to financial management in “Write It Down Make It Happen” emphasizes setting goals, visualizing success, and taking action. However, she does not extensively explore budgeting or financial planning in her book. Klauser’s primary focus is on leveraging the power of intention and self-belief to achieve financial goals, leaving the logistics of managing money to the reader’s discretion.

In contrast, “Simple Abundance” by Ban Breathnach dedicates a section to the opportunities and benefits of budgeting. Breathnach firmly believes that taking control of one’s finances and adopting practical money-management skills can lead to a greater sense of security and peace of mind. While keeping the principles of simplicity and abundance in mind, Breathnach encourages readers to create and adhere to a personal budget that aligns with their values and priorities.

3. Relationship with Money:

Henriette Anne Klauser’s perspective on money in “Write It Down Make It Happen” largely centers around the idea of manifesting financial abundance. She sees money as a means to achieve one’s goals and fulfill their dreams. Klauser advocates for actively seeking financial abundance through focused intention, hard work, and belief in oneself.

Sarah Ban Breathnach, in “Simple Abundance,” promotes the idea of redefining one’s relationship with money. She encourages readers to recognize that money alone cannot provide lasting happiness and fulfillment. Breathnach emphasizes cultivating a sense of gratitude for what one already possesses, finding joy in simple pleasures, and practicing restraint in the pursuit of material wealth. By placing less importance on financial accumulation, Breathnach encourages readers to develop a healthier and more fulfilling connection with money.

While both “Write It Down Make It Happen” and “Simple Abundance” delve into self-improvement and personal growth, they diverge in their approaches to money-related aspects. Henriette Anne Klauser’s book emphasizes the power of intention, goal-setting, and manifesting financial abundance. Sarah Ban Breathnach’s “Simple Abundance,” however, encourages readers to find contentment and gratitude within their present financial circumstances, prioritizing a healthy relationship with money over the pursuit of material wealth. These differing perspectives offer readers unique insights into achieving financial fulfillment.

Write It Down Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser


Both “Write It Down Make It Happen” by Henriette Anne Klauser and “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach offer unique perspectives on personal growth and self-improvement. It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and goals as to which book is more worthy of reading.

“Write It Down Make It Happen” is focused on the power of visualization and manifestation through the act of writing down your goals and desires. Klauser presents various inspiring stories and practical exercises to encourage readers to clarify their aspirations and actively work towards achieving them. If you are interested in adopting a proactive approach to goal-setting and manifesting your dreams, this book might be the more suitable choice for you.

On the other hand, “Simple Abundance” offers a more holistic approach to finding joy and contentment in everyday life. Breathnach encourages readers to cultivate gratitude, embrace simplicity, and connect with their true selves. She provides daily reflections, quotes, and practical tips to help readers appreciating the small blessings in life. If you are seeking a book that promotes gratitude and encourages you to find joy in simple pleasures, “Simple Abundance” may be the more appropriate read.

In conclusion, both books offer valuable insights and tools for personal growth and self-discovery. It is advisable to reflect on your personal goals and interests to determine which book resonates more with your current needs and preferences.

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