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The Power of Positive Thinking: Exploring ESquared by Pam Grout and What Happened to You by Bruce D. Perry

ESquared by Pam Grout

In the vast realm of literature, books have the power to transport readers into different worlds, whilst simultaneously illuminating new perspectives and ideas. Two such captivating works, “ESquared” by Pam Grout and “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU” by Bruce D Perry, delve into the depths of human experiences and offer unique insights into the complexities of life. Though diverse in their subject matter, these books share a common thread: a quest for understanding, growth, and transformation. Exploring the realms of quantum physics and neuroscience, these thought-provoking works invite readers on distinct yet interconnected journeys, challenging long-held beliefs and redefining the notion of reality. As we embark upon a comparative study of these two remarkable literary creations, we shall witness how these authors delve into the depths of scientific principles, intertwining them with personal narratives to deliver profound messages of empowerment, healing, and the limitless potential of the human spirit. Traverse with us as we uncover the distinct perspectives of Grout and Perry, weaving threads of inspiration and wisdom that resonate across the pages of their respective works.

Brief Summary of Two Books

ESquared by Pam Grout

ESquared by Pam Grout is an ambitious and thought-provoking book that challenges readers to embrace the idea that we create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. Grout presents this idea in a practical and playful way, using a series of experiments that invite readers to test the power of their thoughts and intentions.

The book is divided into nine chapters, each focusing on a specific experiment related to the principles of quantum physics and the Law of Attraction. Grout’s writing style is accessible and engaging, making complex scientific concepts easy to understand for readers without a background in physics.

Throughout the experiments, Grout encourages readers to let go of limiting beliefs and expectations, and to embrace the idea that anything is possible. From manifesting a yellow car, to finding a feather as a sign from the Universe, the experiments aim to prove that our thoughts and intentions have a direct impact on our reality.

Grout also emphasizes the importance of gratitude and cultivating a positive mindset. She encourages readers to shift their focus from lack to abundance, and to appreciate the everyday miracles that surround them. Through relatable anecdotes and real-life examples, she demonstrates how gratitude and positive thinking can transform every aspect of our lives.

ESquared is a powerful reminder that we have the ability to shape our reality, and that our thoughts and beliefs are crucial in this process. By conducting the experiments and adopting the principles outlined in the book, readers are challenged to step into their own power and create the life they desire.

Overall, ESquared is a captivating and inspiring read that challenges readers to shift their perspectives and embrace the power of their thoughts and intentions.


What Happened to You?” is a book written by Bruce D. Perry, a renowned psychiatrist, and Oprah Winfrey, a celebrated media personality. The book explores the impact of trauma on individuals and how understanding and empathy play a crucial role in the process of healing and personal growth.

In the book, Perry and Winfrey present a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and respond to trauma. They emphasize the significance of asking the question “What happened to you?” rather than “What’s wrong with you?” This shift allows individuals to understand how adverse experiences, especially in childhood, can shape their behavior, emotions, and overall well-being.

Drawing upon Perry’s extensive research and clinical expertise, the authors guide readers through various accounts of trauma and its far-reaching consequences. They delve into the neurological and psychological effects of trauma, shedding light on the way it can alter brain development, emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships.

Through stories of resilience and transformation, Perry and Winfrey showcase how healing is possible when individuals are met with compassion and understanding. They share practical strategies and therapeutic approaches that can be applied by professionals and individuals alike, aiming to cultivate a more empathetic society.

Overall, “What Happened to You?” serves as an insightful and compassionate exploration of trauma and its impact on human lives. It encourages readers to confront their own experiences and reframe their perspective, ultimately fostering healing, empathy, and connection.

Comparison between Two Books

ESquared by Pam Grout

Similarities in Positive Thinking

Both ESquared by Pam Grout and WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU by Bruce D Perry touch upon the topic of positive thinking, although they approach it from different angles. Here are the similarities between these books in relation to positive thinking:

1. Power of Beliefs: In both books, the authors emphasize that our beliefs shape our experiences and realities. Grout stresses the importance of aligning our thoughts with positive beliefs to manifest our desires, while Perry highlights the impact of our beliefs on the development of our brain and the way we perceive the world.

2. Law of Attraction: ESquared delves into the Law of Attraction, stating that positive thoughts and emotions attract positive experiences. Similarly, Perry discusses the influence of positive connections and experiences on brain growth and the creation of positive neural pathways.

3. Visualization and Imagination: Grout and Perry both emphasize the power of visualization and imagination. Grout encourages readers to vividly visualize their desires, while Perry explains how imagining positive, safe experiences can rewire the brain and improve overall well-being.

4. Gratitude: Both authors advocate for the practice of gratitude as a way to enhance positive thinking. Grout suggests expressing gratitude for what you desire as if it has already been received, and Perry emphasizes the importance of gratitude for fostering healthy brain development and promoting positive connections.

5. Mindset and Intentions: Grout emphasizes the role of mindset and intention in manifesting desires, suggesting that a positive and open mindset is essential. Similarly, Perry emphasizes the significance of positive experiences and connections in shaping the brain and building resilience.

In conclusion, both ESquared and WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU explore the power of positive thinking, highlighting beliefs, the Law of Attraction, visualization, gratitude, mindset, and intentions as key elements to manifest positivity and personal growth.

Divergences in Positive Thinking

ESquared by Pam Grout and WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU by Bruce D Perry are two vastly different books that tackle different aspects of personal development and self-help. While ESquared focuses on the power of positive thinking and manifestation, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU explores trauma and healing from a psychological perspective.

The main divergence regarding positive thinking between these books is their approach and focus. ESquared emphasizes the idea that positive thoughts can shape one’s life and attract desired outcomes, often referred to as the law of attraction. Pam Grout encourages readers to undertake various experiments to test the power of their thoughts and beliefs. The book emphasizes the importance of being in a positive mindset and using this positivity to manifest the desired results. Grout encourages readers to have faith, believe in their desires, and focus their energy on positive thoughts as a means to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU approaches positive thinking in a different manner. While the book acknowledges the importance of positive thinking for resilience and healing, it does not present it as a cure-all solution. Bruce D Perry, a renowned psychiatrist, and Oprah Winfrey discuss the impact of adverse childhood experiences and trauma on an individual’s development. The book underlines the significance of empathy, compassion, and understanding in helping individuals heal and overcome trauma. Positive thinking is seen as a tool to support individuals in their healing journey, but it is not the sole focus of the book.

In summary, ESquared revolves around the concept of positive thinking as a means to attract desired outcomes, while WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU acknowledges the importance of positive thinking within the context of trauma healing but explores various other factors necessary for recovery.

ESquared by Pam Grout


It ultimately depends on your personal interests and preferences. “ESquared” by Pam Grout is a self-help book that explores the principles of the Law of Attraction and provides exercises to manifest positive outcomes. It aims to help readers create the life they desire by utilizing their thoughts and beliefs.

On the other hand, “What Happened to You” by Bruce D Perry explores the impact of trauma on individuals and focuses on understanding and healing from traumatic experiences. It provides insights on how to develop empathy, resilience, and understanding towards oneself and others.

If you are interested in exploring the power of positive thinking and manifestation, “ESquared” might be more worthy of reading. However, if you are interested in understanding trauma and its effects on individuals, “What Happened to You” would be a more relevant choice. Ultimately, consider your personal goals and interests before making a decision.

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