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The Psychology of Success in The Saint the Surfer and the CEO vs How to Make Good Things Happen

The Saint the Surfer and the CEO by Robin S Sharma

In the vast realm of self-help literature, two books stand out as guiding lights, illuminating different paths towards personal growth, fulfillment, and inner peace. Robin S Sharma’s powerful narrative, “The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO,” and Marian Rojas Estapé’s transformative work, “How to Make Good Things Happen,” capture the essence of human potential and offer profound insights into living a purpose-driven life. Each book approaches the subject from a unique perspective, weaving together wisdom, practical techniques, and inspiring stories to assist readers in navigating the complexities of modern existence. As we embark on this comparative journey, we will explore the similarities and differences between these remarkable literary treasures, uncovering the diverse philosophies that empower individuals to live their best lives. Through a nuanced exploration of spirituality, mindset, relationships, and personal development, we will delve into the profound teachings presented in these books, ultimately discovering the transformative potential they hold for anyone ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Brief Summary of Two Books

The Saint the Surfer and the CEO by Robin S Sharma

“The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO” by Robin S. Sharma is a spiritual and motivational novel that explores the interconnectedness of life, happiness, and personal growth. The book revolves around the journey of Jack Valentine, a successful and materialistic executive, whose life takes a turn when he meets two remarkable individuals.

The story begins with Jack suffering from a heart attack. During his recovery, he decides to embark on a journey of self-discovery to find true meaning and purpose in his life. Along the way, he encounters two influential figures: the Saint and the Surfer.

The Saint, a Hawaiian spiritual leader, imparts wisdom and spiritual teachings to Jack, urging him to reject his obsession with external success and strive for inner peace and fulfillment. The Surfer, a carefree young man, teaches Jack valuable life lessons about simplicity, mindfulness, and the beauty of living in the present moment.

Throughout the book, Jack learns valuable insights about life, success, and love from these two mentors. He discovers the importance of cultivating a deeper connection with oneself, finding inner balance, and pursuing a life guided by values rather than materialistic desires.

Sharma beautifully weaves together the teachings of spirituality with practical lessons for personal growth and happiness. He shares powerful messages about finding happiness within, nurturing relationships, and making a positive impact on the world.

“The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO” is a transformative tale that encourages readers to reflect on their own lives, question their priorities, and make conscious choices to live a more purposeful, meaningful existence.

How to Make Good Things Happen by Marian Rojas Estapé

“How to Make Good Things Happen” written by Marian Rojas Estapé is a self-help book that aims to provide readers with practical advice and strategies to enhance their overall well-being and create positive experiences in life. The book combines psychological insights with real-life examples and personal anecdotes from the author’s own experiences as a psychiatrist.

Rojas Estapé emphasizes the importance of taking control of one’s life and mindset in order to foster happiness, success, and fulfillment. She explores various aspects of life, including personal relationships, career, health, and personal growth, offering guidance on how to navigate these areas to achieve a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

The book provides a range of practical exercises and tools to improve emotional intelligence, manage stress, set goals, and cultivate positive habits. It also offers advice on how to deal with negative thinking patterns, overcome obstacles, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.

Rojas Estapé encourages readers to develop a growth mindset and embrace change as an opportunity for personal development. She emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-care in the pursuit of personal fulfillment and overall well-being.

Overall, “How to Make Good Things Happen” offers a comprehensive and relatable guide, combining scientific research with practical advice, to help readers harness their potential, find happiness, and create positive change in their lives.

Comparison between Two Books

The Saint the Surfer and the CEO by Robin S Sharma

Similarities in Psychology

The parallel between “The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO” by Robin S Sharma and “How to Make Good Things Happen” by Marian Rojas Estapé lies in the exploration of psychology as a means to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. Both books delve into the realm of human psychology and offer insights on how to navigate life’s challenges and find happiness.

1. Self-awareness: Both books emphasize the importance of self-awareness in psychological development. They advocate for individuals to introspect and gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their beliefs, values, and motivations. By cultivating self-awareness, readers can make conscious choices and align their actions with their true selves.

2. Mindset and perspective: Both authors emphasize the power of mindset and perspective in shaping one’s experiences. They guide readers on adopting positive attitudes, embracing change, and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth. By shifting their perspective, readers can cultivate resilience and respond to life’s adversity with a proactive and empowered outlook.

3. Emotional intelligence: The books highlight the significance of emotional intelligence in fostering healthy relationships and personal well-being. They explore the idea of understanding and managing one’s emotions, as well as empathizing with others. By developing emotional intelligence, readers can improve their communication skills, build stronger connections, and navigate conflicts effectively.

4. Purpose and meaning: Both books touch upon the importance of finding purpose and meaning in one’s life. They encourage readers to reflect on their values, passions, and life goals, guiding them towards a more fulfilling existence. By aligning their actions with their sense of purpose, readers can experience greater satisfaction and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

5. Personal growth and continuous learning: Both authors advocate for continuous personal growth and learning as essential aspects of psychological well-being. They emphasize the significance of embracing change, stepping out of comfort zones, and seeking new experiences. By adopting a growth mindset and actively pursuing learning opportunities, readers can unlock their full potential and experience personal transformation.

In essence, “The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO” and “How to Make Good Things Happen” share a common focus on psychology as a tool for personal development, self-awareness, mindset, emotional intelligence, purpose, and continuous growth. They offer readers insights and practical strategies to enhance their psychological well-being and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Divergences in Psychology

The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO by Robin S Sharma and How to Make Good Things Happen by Marian Rojas Estapé are both self-help books aimed at guiding individuals towards leading meaningful and fulfilling lives. While they share similar goals, there are notable differences in their approaches to psychology.

In The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO, Robin S Sharma explores the themes of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment through the journey of Jack Valentine. The book emphasizes the importance of finding one’s true calling, inner peace, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. Sharma provides various spiritual teachings and philosophies, drawing inspiration from diverse religious and philosophical traditions to support his messages.

On the other hand, How to Make Good Things Happen by Marian Rojas Estapé takes a more scientific approach to psychology. Estapé, a psychiatrist, focuses on the principles of positive psychology and evidence-based techniques to foster well-being and happiness. Drawing from her clinical experience, Estapé presents practical exercises and interventions that are grounded in empirical research.

One significant divergence in the psychology presented in these books is the emphasis on spirituality. The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO heavily emphasize the importance of connecting with a higher power or a spiritual dimension. Through spiritual teachings and practices, one is encouraged to find deeper meaning and purpose in life. In contrast, How to Make Good Things Happen leans more towards the psychological aspect of well-being, concentrating on understanding thought patterns, emotions, and behaviors, and applying scientifically-backed strategies for personal development.

Another difference lies in their overall tone and style. Sharma’s book uses allegorical storytelling and fictional characters to convey its messages, allowing readers to reflect on their own lives through relatable narratives. Estapé’s book, on the other hand, presents a more straightforward and practical approach, offering concrete advice, exercises, and techniques to implement in daily life.

In conclusion, while both The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO and How to Make Good Things Happen aim to guide individuals towards a more fulfilling life, they diverge in their approach to psychology. The former incorporates spirituality and wisdom from different traditions to foster personal growth, while the latter focuses on evidence-based techniques grounded in positive psychology and clinical experience.

The Saint the Surfer and the CEO by Robin S Sharma


This is subjective and ultimately depends on individual preferences and interests. However, both books have received positive reviews from readers.

“The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO” by Robin S Sharma is a spiritual fable that explores the concept of personal transformation and finding meaning in life. It combines philosophical ideas with practical advice to guide readers towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

“On the other hand, “How to Make Good Things Happen” by Marian Rojas Estapé is a self-help book that focuses on personal development, emotional intelligence, and how to achieve happiness and success. It offers insights and practical exercises to help individuals overcome challenges, manage emotions, and improve their overall well-being.

Reading reviews or summaries of both books may help you determine which one aligns better with your interests and goals. Additionally, considering the specific areas of personal growth or topics that you find more appealing can also help you decide which book you would find more worthy of reading.

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