Business Strategy Unveiled: A Comparative Analysis of ‘The Outsiders’ and ‘Onward’

In the vast realm of literature, there exists an eclectic array of books that captivate readers, inspiring introspection and igniting the imagination. Among these remarkable works, two distinct narratives stand out, each providing distinct insights into leadership, determination, and the pursuit of success. William N. Thorndike Jr.’s “The Outsiders” and Howard Schultz’s “Onward” serve as compelling literary vessels, exploring the trials and triumphs behind extraordinary achievements in the business world.

“The Outsiders” delves into the captivating world of unconventional CEOs who defied conventional wisdom and reshaped corporate landscapes. With a meticulous blend of research and storytelling, Thorndike unveils the untold tales of eight remarkable leaders who consistently outperformed the market and achieved unprecedented success for their respective companies. Through profound analysis and in-depth interviews, “The Outsiders” challenges the notions of traditional business practices while uncovering the unorthodox strategies these maverick CEOs employed to revolutionize their industries.

On the other hand, “Onward” recounts the riveting journey undertaken by Howard Schultz, the chairman and CEO of Starbucks, in resurrecting and reinvigorating the coffee giant during a time of crisis. Schultz invites readers into his world, immersing them in the turbulence, acumen, and relentless drive that steered Starbucks towards a path of resurrection. In this heartfelt memoir, Schultz weaves together personal anecdotes, reflections, and valuable lessons, offering a compelling narrative that unravels the intricacies of leadership, resilience, and corporate reinvention.

While “The Outsiders” and “Onward” may appear to be divergent in subject matter, mirroring the idiosyncrasies of the CEO’s and their companies they chronicle, a deeper exploration reveals remarkable similarities between the two narratives. Both books shed light on the transformative power of leadership, the importance of fostering cohesive teams, and the critical need to challenge established norms in order to achieve enduring success. Moreover, the stories recounted in these works serve as powerful reminders that real triumph is often born from audacious risks, relentless perseverance, and unwavering determination.

Through this comparative study, we shall embark on a captivating journey, exploring the nuanced threads that connect these two literary gems together. By examining the key themes, characters, and approaches employed by both Thorndike and Schultz, we aim to illuminate the shared principles that underpin enduring success in today’s ever-evolving business landscape. Ultimately, this comparative study seeks to offer valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, business leaders, and enthusiasts alike, inspiring a deeper understanding of the transformative power of unconventional thinking, unwavering determination, and the pursuit of excellence.

Brief Summary of Two Books

The Outsiders by William N. Thorndike Jr.

William Thorndike’s book titled “The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success” focuses on the business world. The book examines the careers of eight different CEOs who achieved remarkable success by following their unconventional strategies and rational decision-making.

Thorndike explores the leadership styles and business practices of these CEOs, including capital allocation, talent management, and even risk-taking. By offering insights into how these leaders navigated their respective industries, the book provides readers with a blueprint for success, illustrating the importance of unconventional thinking and rational decision-making in the business world.

Overall, “The Outsiders” discusses how these CEOs rose above convention, made bold choices, and achieved outstanding results, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in business leadership and management.

Onward by Howard Schultz

Onward” is a memoir by Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, that explores the challenges and transformation of the iconic coffee chain during the period of economic recession in the late 2000s. The book highlights Schultz’s personal journey and his efforts to revive the company’s struggling business.

Schultz recalls the pivotal moment when he decided to step down as CEO in 2000, finding the company’s growth was compromising its mission and values. However, after witnessing Starbucks’ decline in the following years, he returns as CEO in 2008 during the global financial crisis.

Through his narrative, Schultz emphasizes the importance of maintaining Starbucks’ core values, such as treating employees with respect and providing a unique customer experience. He also shares his struggles, including closing underperforming stores and laying off employees to save the company.

The author describes the steps taken to restore the company’s financial stability, such as streamlining operations, introducing innovative products, and emphasizing Starbucks’ commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Schultz also discusses the importance of leadership and teamwork, highlighting the role of the Starbucks partners (employees) in driving the company’s success.

The book goes beyond the business aspect, unveiling Schultz’s personal motivations and beliefs as he tackles challenges and strives to make Starbucks a force for positive change in the world. Onward” serves as an inspiring account of resilience, visionary thinking, and the power of a strong corporate culture in rebuilding and revitalizing a beloved brand.

Comparison between Two Books

Similarities in business strategy

Both “The Outsiders” by William N. Thorndike Jr. and “Onward” by Howard Schultz explore business strategies and provide valuable insights into successful leadership and decision-making. Although the books focus on different industries and companies, there are similarities in their approaches to achieving long-term success.

1. Emphasis on long-term thinking: Both books stress the importance of thinking beyond short-term gains and making decisions with a long-term perspective. “The Outsiders” highlights the success of CEOs who prioritize shareholder value and avoid short-sighted decisions driven by quarterly earnings reports. Similarly, “Onward” emphasizes Schultz’s focus on building a sustainable and enduring company that withstands market fluctuations and economic challenges.

2. Commitment to a strong corporate culture: Both books highlight the significance of cultivating a strong corporate culture that aligns with the company’s mission and values. “The Outsiders” discuss the importance of CEOs who prioritize creating a culture of ownership and accountability, fostering loyalty and dedication among employees. In “Onward,” Schultz emphasizes the value of developing a culture centered around the core principles of respect, dignity, and creating a sense of belonging for Starbucks employees.

3. Embracing innovation and adaptability: Both books analyze the importance of embracing innovation and adapting to changing market conditions. “The Outsiders” showcases how successful CEOs are willing to take calculated risks and explore new business ventures to stay ahead of their competitors. Likewise, “Onward” focuses on Schultz’s emphasis on continuous innovation within the Starbucks brand, enabling the company to stay relevant and meet evolving consumer demands.

4. People-centric approach: Both books recognize the value of treating employees as critical assets to the company’s success. “The Outsiders” emphasizes the role of effective talent management and ensuring the right people are in key positions throughout the organization. Onward” stresses the significance of investing in the training and development of employees to create a motivated and skilled workforce that delivers exceptional customer service.

5. Building strong relationships: Both books highlight the importance of building strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. “The Outsiders” emphasizes the significance of cultivating strong relationships with investors, customers, and suppliers to create a competitive advantage and drive long-term success. Similarly, in “Onward,” Schultz emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships with customers by providing a remarkable experience, which he believes is crucial for sustainable growth.

In summary, both “The Outsiders” and “Onward” offer valuable insights into successful business strategies. They emphasize the significance of long-term thinking, building a strong corporate culture, embracing innovation, valuing employees, and developing strong relationships with stakeholders. These shared themes provide readers with a deeper understanding of the strategies employed by successful business leaders in different industries.

Divergences in business strategy

The Outsiders by William N. Thorndike Jr. and Onward by Howard Schultz are two notable books that explore different aspects of business strategy. While both books provide valuable insights into the business world, they diverge in their focus and approach to strategy.

The Outsiders delves into the world of exceptional CEOs and their unique approach to long-term business success. Thorndike’s book identifies eight specific CEOs who have achieved outstanding results by thinking differently from their peers. He analyzes their strategies, which often involve unconventional decisions and a focus on long-term value creation rather than short-term gains. The book emphasizes the importance of capital allocation, operational efficiency, incentivizing management, and strategic acquisitions. The Outsiders provides a comprehensive study of these exceptional CEOs, showcasing their business strategies and how they led their companies to success.

On the other hand, Onward by Howard Schultz primarily focuses on Starbucks, the company he led as CEO from declining sales to renewed success. This book is more of a memoir, chronicling Schultz’s personal journey and his efforts to turn around the company during a period of turbulence. Schultz highlights the importance of the human element in business strategy, emphasizing the need for a strong company culture, engaged employees, and a deep understanding of customer preferences. Onward also touches on Schultz’s commitment to social responsibility and his efforts to create a more sustainable and equitable business.

Where these books diverge is in their respective approaches to business strategy. The Outsiders presents a more analytical and data-driven perspective, examining the financial performance and decision-making processes of exceptional CEOs. It focuses on the long-term implications of their strategies and emphasizes the importance of capital allocation and operational efficiency.

On the other hand, Onward leans more towards a narrative-driven and personal approach to business strategy. Howard Schultz shares his personal experiences and anecdotes to convey the importance of values, culture, and human connections in driving business success. While it still offers insights into strategic decision-making, it presents a more holistic view that incorporates emotional intelligence and empathy.

Overall, while both books provide valuable lessons and insights, The Outsiders offers a systematic analysis of exceptional CEOs and their unique business strategies, whereas Onward presents a more personal exploration of business strategy through Schultz’s narrative and Starbucks’ journey.


“The Outsiders” by William N. Thorndike Jr. is a non-fiction book that explores eight unconventional CEOs and their different approaches to business and management. Thorndike analyzes long-term successful CEOs who prioritized capital allocation decisions to generate consistent returns for their shareholders. This book offers valuable insights for business leaders or individuals interested in understanding management strategies.

“Onward” by Howard Schultz is a memoir by the former CEO of Starbucks. Schultz shares his personal journey and the challenges faced by the company during his tenure. The book offers an inside look at how Starbucks recovered from a downturn and transformed into a global brand. “Onward” may particularly appeal to individuals interested in entrepreneurial stories, corporate turnarounds, or learning about the creation and management of a successful brand.

Ultimately, the choice between the two books depends on your personal interests and what you are seeking in a book. Consider your preferences, whether you are more interested in studying management strategies or reading a personal narrative, and make a decision based on that.

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