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Writing: A Comparative Analysis of Aspects of the Novel and It Was The Best Of Sentences It Was The Worst Of Sentences

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster

In the realm of literary criticism and writing guides, two books stand out as essential resources for aspiring writers and avid readers alike: “Aspects of the Novel” by E.M. Forster and “It Was The Best of Sentences, It Was The Worst of Sentences” by June Casagrande. While both books delve into the intricacies of crafting compelling prose and storytelling, they approach the subject matter from distinct perspectives and with varying levels of depth. By comparing and contrasting these two seminal works, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the art of writing and the elements that elevate a novel from good to great.

Brief Summary of Two Books

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster

Aspects of the Novel is a non-fiction book by E.M. Forster in which he analyzes various elements of fiction writing. Forster outlines key aspects of a novel such as plot, character, narrative structure, and the role of the author. He delves into the importance of plot and how it drives the story forward, while also emphasizing the significance of character development in creating compelling and relatable protagonists. Forster also explores the narrative techniques authors use, including point of view and the use of time in a story.

One of the key points Forster makes in the book is the distinction between “story” and “plot.” He explains that while a story is simply a chronological sequence of events, a plot involves the deliberate arrangement of those events to create a more meaningful and engaging narrative. Forster also discusses the role of the author in shaping the novel, arguing that a writer’s personal experiences and beliefs can influence the themes and messages of their work.

Overall, Aspects of the Novel offers valuable insights into the craft of fiction writing and provides aspiring writers with a deeper understanding of the key elements that make a novel successful. Through his analysis and examples from classic literature, Forster demonstrates the complexity and artistry involved in creating a well-crafted work of fiction.

It Was The Best Of Sentences It Was The Worst Of Sentences by June Casagrande

“It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences” by June Casagrande is a humorous and informative guide to writing well. Casagrande tackles common writing pitfalls and offers practical advice for improving clarity, tone, and style in writing. The book covers topics such as grammar rules, punctuation, word choice, and sentence structure. Casagrande uses examples from literature and everyday writing to illustrate her points and provides exercises to help readers practice and improve their own writing. The book is accessible and engaging, making it a valuable resource for writers of all levels looking to enhance their writing skills.

Comparison between Two Books

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster

Similarities in Writing

1. Both books emphasize the importance of clarity and precision in writing. EM Forster stresses the need for a clear and well-structured plot, while June Casagrande focuses on the importance of crafting sentences that convey ideas effectively.

2. Both books explore the idea of writing as a craft that requires practice and attention to detail. Forster discusses the elements of a successful novel, such as characterization and setting, while Casagrande delves into the nuances of sentence structure and grammar.

3. Both authors advocate for the use of concise and impactful language in writing. Forster encourages writers to be economical with their words, while Casagrande teaches readers how to avoid common pitfalls like wordiness and ambiguity.

4. Both books emphasize the role of revision and editing in the writing process. Forster discusses the importance of revising a novel to improve its structure and coherence, while Casagrande provides strategies for editing individual sentences to make them more effective.

5. Both authors stress the importance of engaging the reader and creating a strong emotional connection through writing. Forster discusses the power of storytelling to evoke empathy and understanding, while Casagrande teaches readers how to use language to create vivid imagery and evoke emotions in their writing.

Divergences in Writing

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster and It Was The Best of Sentences It Was The Worst of Sentences by June Casagrande are both books about writing, but they approach the subject from different perspectives.

In Aspects of the Novel, Forster provides a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of novel writing, such as plot, character, and structure. He delves into the complexities of storytelling and offers insightful observations on the craft of writing. Forster’s book is more focused on the artistic and philosophical aspects of writing, and he emphasizes the importance of depth and complexity in creating a successful novel.

On the other hand, It Was the Best of Sentences It Was the Worst of Sentences by June Casagrande takes a more practical and instructional approach to writing. Casagrande offers practical tips and advice on grammar, style, and sentence structure. She provides clear examples and exercises to help writers improve their writing skills and avoid common pitfalls. Casagrande’s book is more accessible and straightforward, making it a useful resource for writers looking to improve their craft.

Overall, the divergence between these two books lies in their focus and approach to writing. Forster’s Aspects of the Novel explores the deeper philosophical and artistic aspects of writing, while Casagrande’s It Was the Best of Sentences It Was the Worst of Sentences offers practical and hands-on advice for writers. Both books have their own strengths and can be valuable resources for writers looking to hone their skills and craft.

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster


Both books have value in terms of helping writers improve their craft, but they serve different purposes.

Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster is a classic work of literary criticism that explores the elements of storytelling and discusses what makes a novel successful. It offers deep insights into the craft of writing and can be helpful for both aspiring and experienced writers looking to deepen their understanding of the novel form.

On the other hand, It Was The Best Of Sentences It Was The Worst Of Sentences by June Casagrande is a more practical guide to writing, focusing specifically on sentence construction and grammar. This book is more accessible and applicable to writers of all levels who are looking to improve their prose and develop their writing skills.

In conclusion, both books have their own strengths and can be valuable resources for writers, depending on what they are looking to learn. If you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the novel as a form of storytelling, then Aspects of the Novel by EM Forster may be more worthy of reading. However, if you are looking to improve your sentence construction and grammar, then It Was The Best Of Sentences It Was The Worst Of Sentences by June Casagrande may be a better choice.

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