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The Art of Writing: A Comparative Analysis of On Writing Well and Writing Down the Bones

On Writing Well by William Zinsser

In the vast landscape of literature, the craft of writing holds a revered position, captivating minds and hearts alike. Countless authors and aspiring writers have sought guidance and inspiration from the diverse array of books on the art of writing. Two such notable works are “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser and “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg. While both books share a common goal of imparting wisdom to improve writing skills, their approaches diverge significantly.

William Zinsser’s “On Writing Well” is a definitive guide that encompasses various aspects of writing, catering to both professional writers and novices alike. Through a comprehensive exploration of different genres and forms of writing, Zinsser equips readers with fundamental techniques and strategies to craft clear and concise prose. His emphasis on simplicity and authenticity resonates throughout the book, advocating for a stripped-down approach that eliminates unnecessary jargon, emphasizes active verbs, and enhances readability. Zinsser’s masterful use of storytelling and relatable anecdotes infuses the subject matter with an engaging quality, making “On Writing Well” accessible and enjoyable for writers at any stage of their journey.

Conversely, Natalie Goldberg’s “Writing Down the Bones” takes a more introspective and meditative approach to the writing process. Goldberg’s reflections draw upon her personal experiences as both a writer and a practitioner of Zen Buddhism. Her book serves not only as a guide to writing but also as a pathway to self-discovery and spiritual growth. Encouraging writers to embrace their unique voices and to write from a place of vulnerability, Goldberg urges readers to dig deep into their inner worlds and uncover the essence of their creative selves. With a focus on freewriting, meditation, and the importance of observation, “Writing Down the Bones” fosters an environment of introspection and self-expression, allowing writers to tap into their subconscious and unveil hidden treasures within their work.

As we delve into the comparative study of these two prominent works, exploring the techniques, philosophies, and exercises they offer, we will uncover both the common ground and distinct perspectives that exist within the realm of writing instruction. By examining the ways in which Zinsser and Goldberg guide writers to refine and expand their craft, we will gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of writing and the rich tapestry of approaches that foster its growth. Let us embark on this comparative journey, exploring the manifestation of creativity through the pens of Zinsser and Goldberg and uncovering the transformative powers hidden within the pages of “On Writing Well” and “Writing Down the Bones.

Brief Summary of Two Books

On Writing Well by William Zinsser

“On Writing Well” by William Zinsser is a comprehensive guide to improving one’s writing skills. The book emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and brevity in writing, making it suitable for aspiring writers in various fields, from journalism to academia.

Zinsser starts by challenging the notion that good writing should be filled with jargon and complicated language. He argues that writing is about communicating ideas effectively, which requires clarity and simplicity. The author provides numerous examples and exercises to help readers practice cutting unnecessary words and finding their unique voice.

The book is divided into four main sections. The first section focuses on principles of good writing, such as writing with clarity, unity, and emphasis. Zinsser also emphasizes the importance of editing, showcasing famous writers’ revision processes as models to follow.

The second section deals with methods of achieving clear and efficient writing, including eliminating clutter, using active voice, and avoiding excessive adverbs. Zinsser also provides guidance on structuring sentences and paragraphs effectively, as well as selecting the right words and avoiding clichés.

The third section explores different types of writing, encompassing various genres like sports writing, memoirs, travel writing, and science writing. Zinsser provides practical insights into each genre, offering specific advice on how to engage readers, capture the essence of a subject, and convey emotions effectively.

In the final section, Zinsser addresses the challenges faced by writers and offers guidance on overcoming them. He discusses the importance of perseverance, self-discipline, and confidence in the face of rejection. The author also shares his thoughts on the changing landscape of publishing and offers advice on navigating the writing industry.

Overall, “On Writing Well” is a highly regarded book that provides aspiring writers with practical tools, techniques, and insights to improve their writing abilities. Zinsser’s emphasis on simplicity, clarity, and authenticity makes the book accessible to both beginners and more experienced writers.

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

“Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg is a book that serves as a guide for writers looking to improve their craft and develop a consistent writing practice. Through a series of essays and personal anecdotes, Goldberg offers advice, techniques, and inspiration to help writers overcome writer’s block, ignite their creativity, and find their unique voice.

The book emphasizes the importance of free writing, a practice of writing without inhibition or self-censorship. Goldberg encourages writers to write from a place of honesty and openness, allowing their thoughts and emotions to flow freely. She also stresses the significance of discipline and consistency in the writing process.

Goldberg explores various writing exercises and prompts to unlock creativity and generate ideas. She encourages writers to observe their surroundings keenly, tap into their senses, and draw inspiration from everyday occurrences. She also emphasizes the importance of editing and revising, teaching writers how to improve their work and make it more impactful.

Furthermore, Goldberg delves into the writer’s mindset, discussing the importance of being present in the moment, cultivating awareness, and finding inspiration in the smallest details. She also explores the role of meditation and mindfulness in the writing practice, advocating for the use of these techniques to deepen one’s connection to the creative process.

Overall, “Writing Down the Bones” is a practical and inspirational guide to writing, providing valuable insights and exercises to help writers develop their skills and unleash their creative potential. Goldberg’s approach embraces the idea that writing is a spiritual practice, one that can lead to self-discovery and transformation.

Comparison between Two Books

On Writing Well by William Zinsser

Similarities in Writing

Both “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser and “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg are renowned books that offer guidance and insights on writing. Despite their different approaches and perspectives, there are several similarities between these two books.

1. Writing as a Craft: Both Zinsser and Goldberg emphasize the importance of treating writing as a craft that requires continuous practice and honing. They stress the need for commitment, discipline, and daily writing in order to improve and refine one’s skills.

2. Authenticity and Honesty: Zinsser and Goldberg encourage writers to be authentic and true to themselves. They emphasize the importance of embracing one’s unique voice and writing from a place of honesty, rather than trying to imitate others or conform to certain expectations. Both books emphasize the value of personal expression and the power of voice.

3. Overcoming Self-doubt: Both authors acknowledge the insecurities and self-doubt that writers often face. They provide strategies and encouragement to overcome these challenges, fostering confidence and a sense of purpose in one’s writing journey.

4. Observation and Awareness: Zinsser and Goldberg emphasize the role of observation in writing. They encourage writers to be mindful of the world around them, to pay attention to the details and nuances of life, and to draw inspiration from their surroundings. Both books advocate for being present and receptive to the world in order to enhance one’s writing.

5. Editing and Revision: Both books emphasize the importance of editing and revision in the writing process. Zinsser and Goldberg highlight the necessity of rewriting, cutting unnecessary content, and refining one’s work. They emphasize that good writing is not just about the initial draft but also about the willingness to revise and improve the work.

6. Writing as a Journey: Both authors perceive writing as a journey rather than a destination. They value the process of writing, its transformative power, and the personal growth that can result from it. Both books emphasize the importance of enjoying the journey of writing, rather than focusing solely on the end product.

Overall, the similarities between “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser and “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg lie in their shared appreciation for writing as an art form, the emphasis on authenticity and self-expression, the importance of observation, the necessity of revision, and the recognition that writing is a journey of continuous learning and growth.

Divergences in Writing

On Writing Well by William Zinsser and Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg are both highly acclaimed books about writing, but they approach the subject in different ways, leading to some notable divergences.

Firstly, when it comes to the overall tone and style of the books, Zinsser’s On Writing Well takes a more traditional and instructional approach. Zinsser focuses on providing concrete advice, tips, and techniques for effective writing, emphasizing the importance of clarity, simplicity, and brevity in one’s writing style. His tone is analytical and objective, offering clear guidelines and examples to help readers improve their writing skills.

In contrast, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg takes a more introspective and philosophical approach to writing. Goldberg encourages writers to connect with their inner creativity, to explore their thoughts and experiences deeply, and to write from a place of authenticity and honesty. She emphasizes the free-flowing nature of writing, advocating for stream-of-consciousness exercises and spontaneous writing to tap into one’s creativity. Goldberg’s style is poetic and personal, often drawing from her own experiences as a writer to inspire and guide readers.

Another divergence between the two books lies in their respective scopes. On Writing Well primarily focuses on non-fiction writing, covering various genres such as journalism, memoir, and business writing. Zinsser delves into specific techniques and strategies for different forms of non-fiction writing, offering advice on structuring sentences, conducting interviews, and even dealing with writer’s block.

Writing Down the Bones, on the other hand, takes a broader perspective and applies to all forms of writing, be it fiction, poetry, or personal essays. Goldberg encourages writers to explore their creative potential without being constrained by genre or structure. Her book focuses more on the emotional and spiritual aspects of writing, promoting self-discovery and personal growth through the act of writing itself.

Lastly, while both books address the importance of revision and editing, their approaches differ. Zinsser places strong emphasis on the revision process, encouraging writers to edit ruthlessly to improve clarity and conciseness. He provides practical advice on trimming unnecessary words and avoiding clutter. Conversely, Goldberg advocates for a freer approach to editing and revision. She encourages writers to trust their initial instincts and to embrace imperfections, believing that polishing a piece of writing too much can hinder its authenticity and raw beauty.

In conclusion, On Writing Well by William Zinsser and Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg diverge in several aspects. Zinsser’s book provides a more structured and instructional approach, focusing on non-fiction writing techniques, while Goldberg’s work takes a looser and introspective approach, embracing all forms of writing and emphasizing personal expression. Understanding these divergences can help writers choose the book that aligns best with their individual writing goals and preferences.

On Writing Well by William Zinsser


Both On Writing Well by William Zinsser and Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg are highly acclaimed books on writing. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific interests and preferences of the reader.

On Writing Well is a classic guide to improving writing skills. Zinsser offers practical advice on various aspects of writing, such as clarity, simplicity, and structure. He also discusses the importance of revision and provides examples and exercises to help readers enhance their writing abilities. This book is particularly useful for those who want to improve their nonfiction writing, such as journalism or academic writing.

On the other hand, Writing Down the Bones takes a more creative and philosophical approach to writing. Goldberg encourages writers to tap into their creativity and learn to write freely and without inhibition. She explores writing as a form of self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of developing a regular writing practice. This book is ideal for aspiring writers who are looking to explore their unique voice and develop their creative writing skills.

In conclusion, if you are primarily interested in improving your nonfiction writing skills, On Writing Well by William Zinsser is the more suitable choice. However, if you are seeking a more introspective and creative approach to writing, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg would be the recommended option.

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